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Friday, July 6, 2007

Law of Attraction

I was having lunch with a trader friend yesterday & the topic of "Law of Attraction" sprang up. Interestingly, he was a living example of the workings of the LOA. He showed me a laminated little card which he has kept in his wallet. On the card was a list of "milestones" which he has drawn up something back...things that he hope to achieve by a specific period. eg; to retire by 200x, to be a millionaire by 200x, to be debt free by 200x. Guess what, yep..todate, he has achieved every single milestones. As incredible as it sounds, it appears that everything that he desires & visualise, manifested & materialised. Another friend yearned for a prestigious golf club membership in China & a BMW X5 & has pictures of it posted on his "Visual board" & looks at it everyday. You guess it...he recently has both items just this year...a reward for himself having met his income quota through trading. So what do you think? LOA at work here? Sometimes, the things that we can't see are far more powerful than the things we can see. Go figure.

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